Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 5

Wake up call was at 7:00, man now they are spoiling us. We got breakfast in a box, it wasn't bacon, eggs, and other stuff! We started our day with laundry(yay)! Then, after laundry, we got a tour of downtown D.C. That was amazing. At first i couldn't belive my eyes, then I hit a wall...It was real. We saw the Lincoln memorial, Washington memorial, Veitnam memorial, and many more sites! After the tour, we got a personal tour of the Capitol. That left us speachless. We saw tons of statues, the wisper room, and many things you would not belive! The best part about it was, there was nobody. We got the tour after it was closed so, no lines, no wait, and no problems. This will be a day we will remeber for the rest of our lives.


  1. Dang our Troop Scribe is such a talented writer, and so goodlooking!!! Keep taking every moment in and make it a part of you! Some Mom in Layton really misses her Scribe!

  2. I am so glad you enjoyed the tour of the Capitol and appreciated the little extras. My brother was so excited to get to do it for you guys!
