Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 2

Wake up call 6:00! Breakfast was eggs and bacon and some other stuff, it was good. After we ate we had an amazing opportunity to get on the bus. So we did. That was fun. It started going, and the window broke. No one got hurt, but it was still kind of exciting. In line for the ferry we started the "Crouch Circle". Rule one: no sitting on people in the crouch circle. Anyways, that was fun, too. We got on the ferry and it took us to a building that is fun if you enjoy hanging out with Asian tourists and looking at dead people census records. The next island had a huge green lady on it, but she looked kind of like she belonged in a mob because of her torch. So....we leave that island with some more crouch circling and we get to Battery Park and get on our amazing new bus with an equally amazing new window and drive to this huge piece of metal floating in the water where we ate lunch. After lunch was a lot of boring walking and hanging out with Brazilian girls, which wasn't quite as boring as the walking. We ate dinner in a shopping center on a pier...and drove to the hotel where we slept.


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