Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Busting our bus

The next day, wake up call is at 6:00. Breakfast was great! After breakfast, we turn in our hotel keys and head out on the bus. The hotel was nice and had very many trees. So, as we are pulling out of the hotel, a tree branch came around for a hug. Crraaaacckkk! We blew out a window. The glass stayed in position long enough for us to move everyone away. Two minutes later, the glass shattered to the ground. We got to our destination, but filled with horror. We will always remember the day our BUS GOT BUSTED!
No children were harmed in the making of this event!


  1. what an awesome start to a trip- won't be forgetting this one!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad it was a tree and not you boys that busted the bus! What an exciting start to your day!

  4. Memories! What would a trip be without them. No sleep no window can't wait to see what's next.

  5. I just talke to Hans and I guess he was one of the ones sitting in the broken window seat. All is well.
